The 90-Day Challenge: Weekly Status Update

by Mark on April 26, 2010 · 2 comments

Today is Day 26 of the 90-Day Challenge. I have set 4 goals that I want to accomplish in 90 days:

  1. Publish 2 e-books.
  2. Have a 34-inch waist.
  3. Eliminate 100% of the clutter in my home.
  4. Go on at least 1 date.

I wish that I had something positive to report this week, but it was a disappointing week for me. I have been extremely fatigued lately. For some reason, I go through cyclical periods of extreme fatigue. It’s something that I have struggled with for many years. I have noticed that it gets worse during periods of extended stress (like now), but other than that, the cause is unknown. I’ve been to the doctor and have had blood tests, but everything seems normal. There are a number of areas that I could change that may be helpful in increasing my energy levels: exercise, nutrition, stress reduction, etc. Hopefully I can make positive changes in these areas that will increase my energy levels. Stay tuned.


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