The 90-Day Challenge: Weekly Status Update

by Mark on May 4, 2010 · 3 comments

Today is Day 34 of the 90-Day Challenge. I have set 4 goals that I want to accomplish in 90 days:

  1. Publish 2 e-books. I am still making slow, but steady progress on my first e-book, but I have only been working on it a half hour each morning. This certainly won’t get me to my goal. I need to dedicate several large blocks of focused time to work on this.
  2. Have a 34-inch waist. I was better this week than the previous two weeks in terms of my diet. I didn’t go near the evil 25-cent vending machines at work, and I didn’t buy any fast food. I didn’t exercise. In fact, my back hurt much more this week. Still, I lost a few pounds this week just from eating better.
  3. Eliminate 100% of the clutter in my home. I pretty much just maintained the progress that I made so far.
  4. Go on at least 1 date. I did nothing except browse some of the matches that are automatically e-mailed to me by and Yahoo Personals.

I am obviously not excited about the effort that I have been putting in, but I guess that I shouldn’t be surprised at how challenging this 90-Day Challenge is. After all, I have set some challenging goals for myself on top of working overtime at a very stressful job and on top of writing, maintaining, and improving this blog. I am actually debating whether or not I should just cut back and focus more. Anyway, I at least feel like I’m still making progress, even if it is slower than I would prefer.


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